Some designer brands are known for diamond quilting, others for Monogram print and Valentino is famous for studs. You’ve come the right place if you’re looking for studded replica bottega veneta handbags there is no brand that can do it better than Valentino. They named their pyramid-shaped studded design – Rockstud. Love that! And now, introducing the replica bottega veneta handbags.
This shoulder bag looks as classic as their shoes. We love the curvy edges and also the rectangle shape. There are pyramid studs crafted around the edges, but also on the long shoulder strap. This bag feels urban, strong, modern and edgy; it’s definitely a statement maker no matter what outfit you choose.
The shape of this bag also reminds me of camera bags. Nowadays Camera Bags are not purposely made to store Camera, you can carry it as a shoulder bag. Camera Bags are trending right now in the high fashion community.
Made from calf leather mix with gold or silver hardware (depending on the color of the bag). Pull the zip to get into the interior. What you will find is one large compartment to store all your necessities. It also comes with a slot pocket.
The replica bottega veneta handbags comes in bright colors. It’s measured 5.5’ x 7’ x 2.5’ inches (H x W x D) and priced at $1395 USD, €920 euro, $9300 HKD, ¥12000 JPY, $1720 AUD via